Saturday, January 27, 2024

Weekly Update

    We had a blast at the school wide rock, paper, scissors tournament! Ask your daughter who won! 
    Valentine's Day is right around the corner and we will have a class celebration on Wednesday, February 14. The girls may start working on a mailbox to hold cards from their classmates. They may be as creative with this as they would like and it would be great to have the boxes and Valentine's in by Monday, February 12. They need to make a card for each student and here is our class list.
    We've had a few hooded towels come in for our latest outreach project! Here are the details just in case. Last day to collect is on the 31st. 
    In math this week, the girls took their Chapter 3 quiz on Monday. The girls did so well. Graded work came home yesterday in their Friday Folder. We jumped right into fractions and focused on finding equivalent fractions. We will continue fraction concepts next week and discuss ordering and comparing fractions. 
    In reading we wrapped up reading Code 7 and had fun discovering the hidden words in each chapter. Continuing with our focus on summarizing, we created our first book jacket. The girls creatively designed a new cover for Code 7 based on the plot and theme of the book. Then as a class, we wrote a book summary using language that would entice readers to crack open this great book. Check out your daughter's in her folder.  


Carpool helper is Katie
Next WW Dress Up Day: February 2nd! Put on your thinking caps!
Friday, February 9th: Wear red for Lunar New Year.
Answer our first riddle here!


Friday, January 19, 2024

Weekly Update


 During our short week we celebrated the life of Martin Luther King Jr., we wrapped up unit 3 in math, and continued reading Code 7. Did you know January 19th is National Popcorn Day? We had fun solving popcorn themed mash-ups and doing other fun things; all while enjoying some popcorn! 

Another highlight from the week was their magazine reveal! They are displayed in our hallways and will come home at the end of the month. In the meantime, check them out below! 



Special Week is Emma W. 

Carpool Duty is Ellie

Gold/White Spirit Day this Friday 1/26 

World Language Week is Feb. 5-9th Information here!

Friday, January 12, 2024

Weekly Wrap up


     We started a new book this week during our reading time. Code 7:Cracking the Code for an Epic Life by Bryan R. Johnson perfectly piggybacked off of our conversations on goal setting for 2024. Each chapter has a different story with an important message. The girls used their inference skills to "crack" the code word in each chapter. We are loving this book so far! Summarization is currently an area of weakness. So in addition, we are also practicing summarizing each chapter only including the big ideas.

    This week's Writing Lab was a special one. The girls partnered up with fourthies in Mrs. Brittingham's class and interviewed each other. We talked about the difference between "little questions" and "big questions". Ask your daughter to tell you more about this! We learned how remembering the acronym FANBOYS and commas will help us when writing compound sentences. The girls then wrote a detailed paragraph about their partner and created a magazine cover to showcase their information! Next week will be our grand reveal with our partners to share the finished projects.

     Please help your daughter stay on top of her multiplication and division basic facts. We spent the week reviewing long division and I have noticed many girls are struggling to recall facts quickly. I highly recommend getting a set of multiplication and division flashcards for home. 


Carpool Helper is Adelaide

No school on Monday (MLK Jr. Day) and Tuesday (Professional Devel.)

1/26 is Gold/White Spirit Day

Please check Seesaw for the latest updates from specials teachers.


A message from Kefu Dorian:

World Language Week will return from February 5th to 9th, 2024! We celebrate different languages and cultures throughout the week. This year’s theme is: ðŸŽµSpeaking in Tune: Learning Languages to Harmonize with the World ðŸŽµ.
We would love for everyone to be part of it. If you speak a different language and would like to share your love for that language, we want to hear from you!
We would like to keep it simple and easy: just shoot a video of you saying the following in your target language: “Hello, my name is _____, and I speak ______. I learned to speak _____________ (when and where). Goodbye!”  Please also email me an English version of your monologue. If you are using your phone to shoot it, horizontal video is better than vertical.
Please let us know if you would like to help. Once we get everyone's video, we will put them together and share it with the entire School during World Language Week.
We did something similar with our Lower School parents a few years ago. You can watch the old video here as an example.
Please send your video and script directly to me at  by Friday January 26th, 2024.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for being part of our World Language Week celebration!


Update 5/17

We were fortunate to have a wonderful guest speaker this morning. We heard from a nutritionist this morning on the importance of balanced sn...